Applicants to the UD Higher Education and Student Affairs program should submit the following information in addition to their online application:
Once you've successfully met the required admission criteria outlined above, there will be a faculty review. Following the review of these materials, you may be invited to interview with department faculty.
Additional requirements apply for international students >> International students must submit English Proficiency, Visa and Financial Documentation and a WES credential evaluation along with the items listed above.
Note: Students interested in graduate assistantships through the UD Division of Student Development should apply by Jan. 9 for Fall enrollment.
Please provide typed responses to the following essay questions. Type your name and the question at the top of the sheet with your answer. Limit your answer to one single-spaced page per question. Submit your responses via e-mail at, or mail your responses to:
Office of Graduate Admission Processing
University of Dayton
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-1301